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Karla Gonzalez
Hare High School

“The YCC Program helped prepare me how to behave in a work environment such as time management on projects that have to be done in a timely matter.

This internship will help me in the future because it gave me experience that I will never get anywhere such as making a resume, independence, and this internship shows that having a job is not a scary experience then I thought.”

Jacob Mercado
Hare High School

“This internship has helped me to meet new people, have new experiences, and helped me prepare for the future that waits ahead of me.”

Evelyn Serrato
Santiago High School

“Entering the workforce at first glance seemed terrifying as a young student, but entering the Youth Career Connections program has really opened my eyes to see how to step outside of my bubble and really put effort into becoming an independent and strong leader, as well as a professional working young woman.”

Dulce Hernandez
Hare High School

“The Youth Career Connections program has influenced me in different ways, it opened my eyes to different possibilities; achieve my dreams, get experience, learned how to behave professionally, gained great experience for future work and education, gained tips on how to socialize with people and communication skills.”

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